FOI requests about hydrofluorosilicic acid
Here's what I put in my first FOI request which went to OFWAT - one of a number of water watchdogs to be found in the UK.
Each request can be turned down or charged for if the cost to the respondent exceeds £600. This request only addresses 2017.
This request was sent on 1 July 2018. OFWAT is an economic regulator and not interested in drinking water quality issues so this was pointless. Read OFWAT's response or to go to the next FOI request, to the Drinking Water Inspectorate here. The question is unchanged.
The DWI have already announced in a previous request that they don't even know which fluoridation reagent water companies are using (sodium fluorosilicate is also permitted in the UK, but not sodium fluoride). So they could hardly know about its contaminants.
Five water companies fluoridate people in the UK and claimed for years to be legally exempt from FOI. Following clarification that they're not (thanks EU) an updated version of the request was sent to United Utilities on 4 August 2018.
Meanwhile this other FOI request to the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory asks why the fluoride emissions data for the industry which supplies the fluoride put in people is completely missing from their national air pollution data.
The NAEI and DWI are both run by DEFRA.
Yet another request asks fluoridation-free Yorkshire Water about people being fluoridated across its borders.
The OFWAT/DWI FOI enquiry addresses the role of contaminants in the fluoridation reagent as a limiting factor. The pre-existing arsenic level of water sources in some places is already higher than the target, which makes adding more by any means inimical to lawful intent.
It would be an interesting twist if arsenic saved us from fluoride. Don't imagine anyone is exactly going to roll over and give out this information. Are you a civil servant or employee about to go into armadillo mode? That's the opposite of whistleblower mode. What is the greater good you are trying to achieve?
If you plan similar requests about fluosilicic acid rejections, for other years, you can let me know for listing anonymously here, or openly with your group or own name, with your specific written permission only.
Pick the year that is most important to you.
Background pic: ash from Puyehue Volcano